Can We Co-exist?

Can We Co-exist In The Office, Roads ... In Life?

I'm on the edge of my seat watching the concluding episodes of Cordon - a Belgium drama being aired on SBS in Australia. We peer into peoples' lives in the fish bowl as they are cordoned off  due to a virus outbreak - required to co-exist with people - in particular, an office team living in their workplace.

On the radio this morning, John Faine #abc774 questioned if motorists and cyclists can co-exist on the roads? We were asked as listeners to consider if  it's our attitude and behaviour which is causing the 'dooring' deaths in our suburbs.

When people are forced to share the same space in a work environment (we generally don't get the chance to choose our work colleagues, let alone the team reporting to us) we survive or lead.

Survival is all about me! Focusing on what works for me and what the device in my hand tells me! We consider what's best for ourselves first before thinking or feeling for others.

Leading to co-exist is all about assessing, observing, reading and 'smelling' the culture & climate of the community and being the person which the people need and what the situation requires. 

Pushing peoples' panic button by urging them to do what is outside their personality comfort zone are potentially necessary for 'survival' (whether it's to live through an epidemic or arrive home safe from a bike-ride) however, it's your approach and attitude which will determine the outcome.

Yes we can co-exist and it does take an inordinate continuous effort and great leadership.

Understanding Why We're Doing It!

A big take-out during a group discussion yesterday on the subject of CHANGE was the need to understand and communicate 'the Why'. Too often we are the messengers and we don't devour the Why to enable us to regurgitate the Why to those involved.

My kids are getting excited about Halloween. We're planning our outfits, deciding which lollies to buy and what decorations to make and put on the front door. It took my daughter, who's seven, to ask "Mum, why do we celebrate Halloween? (I didn't need to google the answer!) Whilst this was out of curiosity, it did put things into perspective for my smart little girl!

Selling the Why is critical, crucial and criminal if not done successfully. Whether the Why is around developmental, transitional or transformational CHANGE ( it is always about some type of CHANGE), answering the Why is your first role and goal. People need to understand why we're doing it.

A story, facts, benefits, admitting the unknown future positively are all techniques to approach the Why. It's important to consider who's listening to your Why. A story for some, the excitment of the unknown for others.

I do like to show and share Simon Sinek's The Golden Circle, a super 'Why' model which makes sense to everyone who watches the TED talk.

So, what's the Why around your current piece of work, change, behaviour etc? How effective are you in explaining and articulating your Why



Will your New Year's Resolution create a Revolution or Movement?

It’s the start to our financial year – a time to kick off a new budget, implement a new plan, and set tougher goals and targets. 

I always get excited with a new year – I set challenges for myself in an attempt to keep with the pace of change. I know what I want, what I really need and I like to dream of bigger and better changes in my business!

Listening to people discuss their business plans and observing what they do I often see a void in wants and needs and in particular their ‘change plan’. It’s a simple void (easily avoidable) - no matter how courageous the change is - if they avoid getting people involved in the planning then it’s tougher and costlier to get them on-board down the track. How many times have you seen the revolt towards change?

Not everyone wants to join the change movement; however your resolution can be about:

  • Talking openly about the creation of the budgets, plans goals and targets
  • Explaining ‘the why’ – rather than the what, who, when
  • Asking "how are we going to achieve or meet or exceed?"

Leaders facilitate conversations and today’s an opportunity to create a movement which people want to join to achieve and exceed your goals.