Top Right Quadrant

In our pursuit for excellence, we are always aiming to ‘land’ or to be placed in the ‘top right quadrant’ of any model. (Imagine a four grid quadrant – high-high on both axis descriptors.)

This month, we've been focusing on MARCH, 'Master Reoccurring Challenges' and it’s time to move to the top right quadrant of our FEAR model.

In summary: identify the fear or fault, review and edit our mind talk activity, establish skill training to combat and bolster the physical ability and finally measure for results.

The top right quadrant is about being consistent – being predictable. That’s what followers are attracted to in a leader. It may be hard work, continually practising to form a new habit, but for us observers we want to trust, respect and admire someone who won’t disappoint us.

Mastery is beyond the quadrant – once you've tackled the quadrant activity & ability, attaining regular consistent results, you can springboard from that point, feeling satisfied that the original challenge is now a quest fulfilled.

MAster Reoccuring CHallenges

Which challenges do you face regularly that you tag as your ‘reoccurring nightmares or dilemmas’? They repeat in your head and are felt emotionally and physically – enough to make some of you feel overwhelmed and unwell?

Why do we allow these challenges to worry us and why do we avoid confronting them? Is it the fear of the consequence, the unknown or is it the ‘how to’?

As a suggestion – approach March as your ‘MAster Reoccurring CHallenges’ month. These challenges must be existent – you’re able to qualify or even quantify the challenge. Keep an eye on this space and I will share models, lessons and ideas to guide you to ‘MASTER REOCCURING CHALLENGES’ during March.

TASK ONE: Write down responses to the following question: What do I want to do/tell/ask/be and believe is impossible to accomplish? 


LDOs can be disguised, appearing as a tough timely task; others are blatantly obvious i.e. attending a ‘Leadership’ course!

With the surprise resignation, stepping down of the leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, here’s a great LDO for one of the Cardinals to ‘Step Up’ and sit in the role until the new Pope is voted in. In some cases, when you Step Up, you have to fulfil two roles – however the experience is priceless.

In my experience of facilitating Leadership programs, the notion of ’Volunteering’ is for many an ‘Ah Ha’ moment. Realising doing work, sharing skills to help others, at no cost, is an ideal way to try new found behaviours which support, inspire and direct others.

Proactively arranging a project of social event, for a group of people is a LDO. Communicating, planning, creating followers and making things happen is what Leadership is all about. If you go beyond and above your normal duties or activities you’re pushing your personal boundaries and developing.

If you’re fortunate to have a Leadership Development program in your business or organisation – ask to become involved. If you’re on your own quest and need a guide, then connect with me and I’ll send you a Handbook.

So, step up, volunteer your skills & time and proactively arrange your own leadership development!