Do you have the Ability to Learn?

Our ability to learn a new approach, skill, procedure, sport – whatever – will depend on our mind's activity and our physical approach to do something about it.

Today I cracked the 10km run – I’ve been training (learning) for eight months and it finally occurred this morning at 7am (it took about 75 minutes – which meant an early start). It was easy (famous last words) but I have been working on it for months. Running in a group, pushing ourselves, encouraging each other, sharing tips & ideas has paid off.  

How often do we ‘try’ something and when it doesn’t work immediately, we are reluctant to try it again. Whether it’s making a pitch to the boss or board, retrenching employees or avoiding sugar in our diet – it takes physical practise.

If we involve others in our learning, we increase our accountability; having a resource willing to support the learning and increases our chances of making the change stick. However, we must be mindful that we all learn differently but don’t allow that to be an excuse!

To Make Reoccurring Challenges extinct then commit to asking for help to learn. My FEAR model is purely a piece of scribble – it takes people to bring it alive.


International Women’s Day – Celebrate THE WOMENHOOD

This is a day that I ‘toast' all the women who inspire me and those whom I inspire!

Earlier this morning I attended a breakfast with about 100+ women and some men folk in the outer burbs of Melbourne and was immediately captivated by great messages shared by Sandra Sully, a legend in the media world in Australia.

It was a magical surprise to hear LEADERSHIP utter from her lips navigating a journey to a new world -  highlighting how women around the globe succeed because they have courage, passion, use their smarts and know to unite to make things happen. On the flip-side Sandra reminded me that we still live in a world where there is workplace bullying, violence against women, not enough women on boards and we still have ‘boys clubs’.

One particular mention was that women can be our own worst enemies. That we don’t support each other (enough) and in fact we can be far more competitive than our male folk because it’s harder for us to ‘get ahead’.

So, let’s unite, focus on the positives and support each other on our respective risky journeys as we struggle & juggle our daily lives and realise that we inspire each other and need to take time out and celebrate being women.

Cheers to all the women in my life (and the men who support us).

MAster Reoccuring CHallenges

Which challenges do you face regularly that you tag as your ‘reoccurring nightmares or dilemmas’? They repeat in your head and are felt emotionally and physically – enough to make some of you feel overwhelmed and unwell?

Why do we allow these challenges to worry us and why do we avoid confronting them? Is it the fear of the consequence, the unknown or is it the ‘how to’?

As a suggestion – approach March as your ‘MAster Reoccurring CHallenges’ month. These challenges must be existent – you’re able to qualify or even quantify the challenge. Keep an eye on this space and I will share models, lessons and ideas to guide you to ‘MASTER REOCCURING CHALLENGES’ during March.

TASK ONE: Write down responses to the following question: What do I want to do/tell/ask/be and believe is impossible to accomplish?