Working on Working Better - Berocca Your Performance

Achieving goals can be achieved by working on a well thought out plan. Yet if the tank is empty, it’s sustainability is questionable.

Filling your tank with a vitamin tablet will definitely give you that performance boost to get over the final line or through the day, however it’s only one choice for a stamina plan.

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When it's freezing ...

I live on a golf estate, where there is generally a lot of green - as far as the eye can see. At the moment, it's white. And white means it's freezing - way too cold to run, walk or anything that requires stepping outside. 

So, rather than roll over I jumped up and got a jump start on the day. Working from home it's easy to be distracted with domesticity - so I tackled the kitchen, breakfast, school lunches, tidied the house and even my office is ready for the week - all done while the household snoozed. 

When it's freezing or at times when you are prevented from completing your intended task/project it's so important to have your work list of what's need to be achieved - your prioritised contingency plan. 

Being a sole trader and a previous corporate office operator, I know how important time and dead-lines are - I know can immediately pick up and tackle a different project which requires several tackle point strategies:

RESEARCH: Most projects require some form of exploration to arrive at the data to create components of the project. Dig, dig and dig to find the data you need.

READ: No matter what we're working on, there is generally someone who has written about the subject matter. Reading for 30 minutes a day about your speciality can fuel your brain with ideas and thoughts. 

RING: Humans are social beings - we're meant to communicate. I always have a list of people who I want to connect with to help me achieve my business project goals - whilst it's easy to email, message or tweet them, a conversation is powerful.

REST: Take the opportunity to slow down and care for yourself - it won't be freezing for long! 

As the 'white' continues to cover the landscape, get smart with your time; then make time to venture out when the sun pops out.