The Power Of Being Held Accountable


To say it was awesome is an understatement. And there isn't any ego attached to this statement!

This week, together with my 'Driving Your Life' co-pilot, Cynthia Mahoney, we hosted a six month review with a group of 'drivers' who participated in our inaugural two day pit-stop workshop.

We arranged the venue, communicated the date, time and the intent: that is all we did. The crew took over and checked in with the progress they had made with the action plans they created in February. They asked questions of each other, made observations, questioned some assumptions and of course, they each went past their allocated time in the limelight.

The activity of some has been life changing and for some it was a foot on the brake and accelerator (our program is full on puns!) however what it did do was highlight the power of being held accountable. Each person knew that they had committed to change and whilst they have partners, bosses, colleagues, family and friends with whom they have associated responsibilities - it was our crew who they had held themselves accountable to (and themselves.)

Being accountable is tough. Simply doing what you say you're going to do isn't being truly accountable. During our program we identified with our values and how they drive our vision. The power of being accountable is about being you, being totally self-aware or who you are, why you're here, the journey you're on and how you behave on the journey!

In a matter of four hours, we reconnected, shared some very powerful stories and made more commitments to each other to keep the power of accountability alive.

Please connect with me if you're seeking to make some changes and looking for a group to hold you accountable. Our next pit-stop is Driving Your Life: Career & Business being held in Melbourne on 23rd & 24th of October 2014