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It seems life is inspired by followers.

Social Media inspired followers.

The ‘likes’ and ‘comments’ encourage our brain to give us hits of Oxytocin & Dopamine which encourage us to feel more trusting of others.

Read that again!

So, how do you inspire this trust in your leadership?

Divert your Social Media energy into Social engagement by demonstrating consistent leadership practices and I predict you’ll inspire followers.

People seek out those who consistently deliver:

·       communication,

·       gratitude,

·       recognition,

·       challenges & opportunities,

·       feedback and many other leadership behaviours.

These actions inspire people.

It leads to respectful relationships.

And builds trust.

However, life is like a live video on Social Media – you’re being observed, listened to, and the bullsh*t detector will quickly determine if a respectful and trustworthy relationship is possible with you.

Consciously behave and you’ll unconsciously inspire the people who’ll consciously follow you.

You don’t ask people to follow you.

If your intent is to makes changes in your workplace, consider:

1.       who and how you’ll influence

2.       which intelligence will support your plan & actions, and

3.       how you’ll consistently behave to inspire the decision makers.

If you’ve been following these posts you’ll notice that we’ve been working through a simple model to help you reflect on how effective you are at achieving the impact which you intended.