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It's the F day!

We're playing The Language of Leadership.  

Think of the F words which you hear yourself say when communicating your leadership.  

I'll offer a few and I'll be interested to hear your Fs!

Feedback is over talked and underused. When you give the gift of feedback, whether that is to reinforce the positive or to identify what needs to be corrected, you are being courteous and courageous, all at the same time.

Too often we walk past or overhear language or activity which is unacceptable. We are more than likely to acknowledge great customer service and become closed lipped when someone is being rude or intimidating. This can be due to a lack of skill, lack of confidence or it may not be safe to do so.

In the workplace, feedback as a daily practice, would build a trusting, strong and ethical environment.

In all the work I do, I would help people build the skill of providing feedback, more than any other skill. What does this say about our confidence, pro activeness and accountability? I believe we have a lot more work to do in this area of communication.

This is a simple statement. Some people love facts.

It’s a great asset to have and it’s advantageous when we’re giving feedback. Facts are favorable when providing feedback. Let’s not rely on hearsay … we know what happens when we play ‘Chinese Whispers’.

Facts are useful when you’re doing your work, when applying your expertise. On the other hand, your feelings are also important. The challenge is, realising that facts and feelings are both important.

Facilitation is a skill. I’ve been working on my practice of facilitation for almost 30 years (yikes!) When you facilitate a team meeting, the outcome is illuminating. Engaging everyone in the room, setting and expecting pre-work to be completed, giving back the work and ensuring everyone has a role in the meeting (why else would they be there?) makes on time attendance the norm.

Facilitation is also about acknowledging that the answer is in the room – adults generally have the answer or know where to locate the information.

Leaders facilitate conversations – they ask questions rather than tell. They listen to responses and respond with where to find or how to develop the solution.

Do you facilitate?

It's been great to have you join the conversation sharing, your language of leadership.