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The impact of giving up too quickly has ramifications.

The respect and trust people have in you can begin to sour and it can hurt the people that love you.

And beyond that, it’s your reputation.

As you ‘spring into spring’, look towards refraining from giving up too quicky and becoming accountable.

Missed deadlines of key deliverables occur when you tolerate poor performance. It’s the demise of a functioning team as Patrick Lencioni addresses in his book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.

Giving up and giving in, isn’t your unique experience.

Giving up and giving in is what humans do. Yet, what you are doing is avoiding difficult issues and lowering your standards.

GIVING MORE is being accountable.

Having a spring in your step enables movement and progress.
Making progress triggers a cocktail of chemicals that generates a feeling of gratification.

It’s a great feeling which you unfortunately don’t experience if you set expectations upon yourself that are totally unachievable. On a whim you go for the impossible opposed to the possible.

You’re fuelled by your motives.

The ability to achieve your self-worth enables accountability.

If you’re in a predicament e.g. wrong role, company or job, then it’s easier to give up as your motives aren’t driving what you do.

It’s also easy to give up if you're distracted. Sounds, smells, social media are synonymous with distractions. You distract yourself and allow others to distract you.

You lack discipline and allow others' goals to take precedence.

Set yourself up to Give more:
· Decide not to give up - think what’s possible over impossible
· Share the accountability – work with someone or with a team to give more and achieve more togther
· Break it down into measurable chunks – dates, times and check-ins
· Reward progress along the way as well as the small and big wins.

You’re not alone when it comes to ‘giving up too quickly’. It’s being human.

Don’t go it alone; let’s spring into Spring together.