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Squeeze or Declutter?

While coaching the other day my coachee identified a remarkable solution for a goal he had had for way too long. However, what we're now up against is the dilemma of squeeze or declutter. 

Maybe I'm the crazy one, but being out of control, working 13 hour days, being interrupted during the night with pings hogging the stillness of the night and not seeing your dog, let alone the family does not do it for me. I've changed my ways and have a solid plan and process on how I drive my time.

So, the big question is, do you squeeze in another activity or do you declutter first? There are pros & cons for both however I am the Declutter Queen. Declutter first, then squeeze isn't so squeezy!

If an activity, behaviour or relationship isn't adding value, then it's time to declutter. Make a purposeful plan which identifies how to approach the specific item to change and importantly, how to keep it changed - so that it sticks.

I will be concentrating on this planning theme during September as I finalise our ultimate planning workshop kicking off later in the year to get you sorted so you can slip rather than squeeze into 2016.