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Which Model Do You Use To Help You Think?

Which Model Do You Use To Help You Think?

I read a neat book on the plane the other day, The Decision Book : Fifty models for strategic thinking. It’s obviously not a novel and it’s not a heavy business book – it’s a two hour read and an amazing reference book for anyone who needs to think and makes decisions! That would be most of us!

Jammed into a small package, I found myself working through every model and intrigued what the next page would present. There were models which I use on a daily basis and a host of others which I had never heard of let alone seen explained.

So, whilst I’m doing a little promo for the book, I’m highlighting the obvious help that is available at our fingertips to think effectively and make decisions. In leadership, our primary role is to empower our people or those of whom we influence to make their own decisions. Sharing models with a specific framework will enable others to find and identify an outcome (rather than asking you for an answer).

I’ve been facilitating a few workshops for a client and the consistent ‘take-away’ feedback is “now I have a framework to work with”. AHA!

So, which Model do you use? Do you use the same one on a regular basis? I used to; now I’m stretching my repertoire and trying and applying new models. It’s great fun!