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RAMP UP Leadership

Do your team members continually interrupt you, ask you way too many questions leave before you do (every day) and will not make a decision without consulting you?

If you nodded your head to any of the components of this question, then your leadership needs a RAMP UP! You’re not alone, as almost all conversations involving ‘leading a team’, no matter the experience or context, sound the same! Their people seek validation, answers and your time.

RAMP UP is a model which identifies a building block approach to achieving a leadership which is joyous! One which you enjoy talking about and almost sing about! (OK, it’s Friday!)

The model is simple, effective and bullet proof.

As a Leader, your goal is to create a team which is:

1.       Responsible: performs a specific role competently and capable to make choices and decisions.
2.       Accountable: demonstrates the expected team/business behaviours, values, vision and culture.
3.       Motivated: knows and understands why and how colleagues work best.
4.       Proactive: encourages innovation, creativity and leadership.

Start at #1. and ensure you've got this covered before moving through #2-#4. If you enjoy reading, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is a great start.

Who do you think needs a RAMP UP? I could name a few Politicians, Business Leaders and Service Providers! What about you?

If you do - please push them to my Quick Fix Pop Up RAMP UP Leadership session.