The stars are aligned – it’s the first day of the month and it’s a Monday: two great reasons to put some thought into what you want to achieve this month and in particular, this week.

You can plan simultaneously! May I suggest, #1- a health goal, #2 - a social idea for family/friends and # 3 - plan to make more money (you know - your career, profession, job, investment) – that’s an idea for your first three.

This morning, we’re progressing with the www.c25k.com – with some frightening expectations – eight minutes of running – yikes! However, we’ve been doing this weekly, and we’ve conquered the five minute run – we had to repeat it three times until we could do it, so while the excitement of the recent milestone is fresh – it’s now time (in 10 minutes) for a new challenge.

When you stop to eat or drink today, let your head, heart & hand loose and conjure up what’s installed for the next 31 days. And every time you bump into someone you haven’t seen that day, give them a ‘pinch & a punch for the first of the month’ – get their attention and share your three thoughts. (I’d love to hear how you go.) These simple ideas contribute perfectly towards your Leadership Queststimulate ideas, share it with others and encourage followers.