“Learning is Life – It’s a part of everything we do”.

I discovered this quote (sadly, no author quoted) as I researched Bloom’s Taxonomy ‘Order of Thinking’ which is the theme of an assignment due in today at Stanford University. It’s an on-line course, being completed by thousands of people world-wide. It’s amazingly good. I wrote the statement down on my mind-map and it was as if I had discovered the ‘elixir of life’!

I was struck by this statement.  More so, because I know it, I get it and I live it, daily. However, it encouraged me to think about the many folk who don’t get it. Those living a routine life; who fear and reject change - who want to stay the same and even publicly classify themselves as the ‘resistors of change’!

I’ve realised why I love life so much (and fear death terribly) as I like to do and challenge myself to experience ‘the new’ every day. I don’t like ordering off menus, I like the waiter to suggest something for me and I like getting lost – you never know what you’ll discover!

What will you learn today?