Three Weekend Actions

I’ve met a few people who actually don’t enjoy weekends. Maybe you can think of a reason, most people are flabbergasted with this consideration, let alone the fact it’s true.

A weekend for some is a lonely time. They’ve left their busy workplace, where they receive attention, emotional comfort and possibly gratitude. At home there are three evenings and two days of inactivity and no human contact.

Bearing this in mind, I’m always conscious of how I plan our weekends. There are three ‘must do’ actions:

Social Planning: We always host a get-together or plan a social gathering – big or small, with consideration of who to invite – mindful of introducing new people into the fold.

Focus on Food: By making, experimenting and inviting people to eat together – it brings the family, friends and neighbourhood to talk and plan more food (and refreshment!) centred events.

Communicate: We make an extra effort to communicate with people we haven’t seen or heard from in a while – sometimes it’s a neighbour or simply trolling through the contact list and sending them a simple message. It’s the mere thought that connects us as human beings.

Enjoy your weekend!