The Busines Card Demise

I ventured off to a ‘Networking’ night and was reacquainted with the art of business card sharing. There were those that handed it to you before you gauged the pronunciation of their name those that were measuring the conversation to determine if they would actually share their gold encrusted card.

Nothing has changed! Those little cards are still being printed. And to add to it, there are lots more details and artwork being added to the cardboard. Symbols, codes and I know it’s me, but the writing is getting smaller and I can’t read it!

But, is their ‘use’ in decline? I found that most of the women at the Networking event were a bit clunky with their business card etiquette – and it’s probably only these events the cards see the light of day. Maybe we’re not the best networkers – leaving that to the male gender?

For the Business Card, it’s an uphill battle when we have people tattooing their QR codes to their body, impressive LinkedIn and Facebook pages accessible and simple Twitter handles (@) to remember and share immediately.

In an era when everything can be managed by a hand held device, it’s lovely to see a 17th Century gem still in use and in practise!