The Productive Working From Home Movement

Just about everyone I speak with lately either works from home or spends a couple of days a week creating their home as their workspace.

I recall escaping the office 15 years ago to focus (note, key word) on a project or in particular, Performance Appraisals! However, as I ventured out the door with a borrowed lap-top and bundle of files, I felt so stressed that I had forgotten something or I hadn't left enough notes for the team.

Today with technology on our side and the expectation that working elsewhere is the norm, the question bubbles up, are we an effective and productive movement?

I enjoy the warmth and quiet of the home office (except for the talk back radio to keep me company) and the phone on mute while I focus on projects. I especially like the fact I can work around the kids school hours and control my diary to meet my needs.

However, I'm unsure if I'm more effective and efficient than those in an open plan workspace. If you can get in 'the zone', you can work.  

I am confident that I am super productive because there isn't the human factor. Our movement limits the personalities of humans which need our attention: interruptions, loud conversations and activities. We have more control of 'our zone'; I equate 3 hours of work to a whole day in a workplace!

Not everyone has the ability to work from home - there have always been reasons and excuses. Being capable to change the workspace, processes, rules etc to enable people to focus is your role as the leader.

May the movement grow and support others to experience the change.