Emojis, Experiment, Energy, Expert & Emotion ( & Elisabeth Murdoch)

A great statue of a great women … who no doubt contributed to the Frankston Art Centre where the BITE Business Conference was hosted, sponsored by Frankston City Council.

A great statue of a great women … who no doubt contributed to the Frankston Art Centre where the BITE Business Conference was hosted, sponsored by Frankston City Council.

The B.I.T.E conference hosted in Frankston by SMART Solutions (Accounting Practice) and partly sponsored by Frankston City Council (great to see may rates at work) exceeded my expectations, yet again.

The entertainment was hilarious.

Andrew Morello traveled from the west to ‘'edutain’' us, keeping the day moving from one great speaker to the next.

Taking lessons from ancient Egypt and the Chinese language, we’ve refined using pictures as our communication on technology using almost 3000 Emojis. However, when the Poo emoji is mistaken for Chocolate Mr Whippy, we still have our work cut out to communicate more effectively using our devices and our mouth!

To keep up with changes and to make progress we do need to experiment. It’s critical to stretch our thinking, sooth our skepticism and determine if these new approaches give us energy. Because, Energy is our Currency.

Steve Sammartino looking flashy in those red shoes.

Steve Sammartino looking flashy in those red shoes.

Be the expert, use your voice to be known for what you know and let’s hear your story. Enable people to talk about you.

And don’t let your emotion prevent your success; allow logic to catch up with your emotion by having that internal conversation to determine ‘should I say what I am feeling and experiencing, right now?’

And finally, be a leader that concedes that they don’t need to be right. Allow the talented folk who you hire and acquire to be right at what they know about the world through their eyes.


Sharon Kneale (Time2Talk Leadership) Trent Innes (Xero), Susan Wright (Q Strategies), Jim Mullan (Secondbite), Michael Licenblat (Bounce Back Fast), Sue Ellson (LinkedIn Specialist) & Shannon Smit (Smart Business Solutions)

Love these words of wisdom from Dr Seuss!

Love these words of wisdom from Dr Seuss!