Image: Preschool Plan It

Image: Preschool Plan It

Oh, I’m excited about today. It’s day of O and I have so many O words in my leadership vocabulary.

My top five O leadership words are:

Firstly, I enjoy observing people. I build a portfolio of client data to enable me to provide feedback to them - feedback with facts is far more useful than hearsay. Helping people with 1/ what they are doing well and 2/ how they can improve their leadership behaviours.

Then opportunity – we are always looking for opportunities to learn, grow, experiment and change. Life is exciting when we introduce new stuff. My personality is all about opportunity – it’s on my radar 100% of the time! In particular, I hear myself asking, “what opportunity is there to change the way you view that matter?”

Obstacles are what we face every day in our life of leadership. Viewing our challenges, problems and concerns as obstacles, enables us to take ownership and re-frame our mind, knowing that we can walk around them, climb them or remove them. It’s all in the mind how you view life and these two words, obstacles and ownership highlight the importance of our personal leadership – it’s what is inside us, what people don’t see that makes us stand out as leaders.

Openness is close to one of my key character strengths – I believe it’s important to tell it as it is, to be honest and not sugar coat facts. The quicker we can communication information, the quicker we can get everyone on board to enjoy it or fix it.

What’s in your language of leadership? Today I’d love to hear your O words.

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